4.1 Statutory designated sites and protected species
a) Areas and features of high conservation value having particular significance for biodiversity shall be identified by reference to statutory designations at national or regional level and/or through assessment on the ground.
b) Adopting a precautionary approach, the identified areas, species and features of high conservation value shall be maintained and, where possible, enhanced.
c) There shall be ongoing communication and/or consultation with statutory bodies, local authorities, wildlife trusts and other relevant organisations.
d) Statutory designated sites shall be managed in accordance with plans agreed with nature conservation agencies, and shall be marked on maps.
OPENThe system of designated sites in the UK forms a representative sample of existing ecosystems within the landscape.
These areas and features of high conservation value include:
- Special Areas of Conservation
- Special Protection Areas
- Sites of Special Scientific Interest or Areas of Special Scientific Interest
- Ramsar Sites
- National Nature Reserves
Identification and mapping of these features may be carried out on an ongoing basis, provided that it has been completed for an area prior to significant woodland management operations taking place.
Where the boundaries of a designated site extend beyond the boundary of the WMU, it may not be possible for the owner/manager to significantly influence or change the overall condition of the site.
- All known areas and features mapped
- Field observation
- Approval of forest plan by the relevant forestry authority
- Workers are aware of such sites and of plans for their management
- For all potentially damaging operations, awareness is demonstrated of how areas will be protected and/or safeguarded
- Management plans for statutory conservation areas and monitoring of implementation of those plans
- Condition statements from statutory bodies
- Maps
- Discussion with the owner/manager demonstrates how areas will be safeguarded and/or enhanced
- Planning documentation shows how areas will be safeguarded and/or enhanced
- Pro-active approach to the identification of areas and features of significance for biodiversity, appropriate to likely biodiversity value.
Appropriate measures shall be taken to protect identified priority habitats and species in accordance with plans agreed with nature conservation agencies. In planning and implementing measures within the WMU, the owner/manager shall take into account the geographic range and ecological requirements of priority species beyond the boundary of the WMU.