
Main legislation, regulations, guidelines and codes of practice referred to in the UKWAS

The main legislation, guidelines and codes of practice relevant to the UK Woodland Assurance Standard are shown here. These are correct and as complete as possible as at August 2017 but should not be treated as an exhaustive list.

It is important at all times to refer to the most recent and/or new documents and relevant websites should be checked frequently.

The key main documents are listed below and the other main documents are available in a separate UKWAS appendix of references document under the five section headings of the certification standard.

Key Legislation

1967: Forestry Act 1967 (as amended)

1967: Plant Health Act 1967

1982: Forestry Commission Bye-laws

1953: Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 1953

2010: Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 2010

Key Publications

2017: The UK Forestry Standard (fourth edition) which incorporates previously separate guidelines on seven themes:

  • Forests and Biodiversity
  • Forests and Climate Change
  • Forests and Historic Environment
  • Forests and Landscape
  • Forests and People
  • Forests and Soil
  • Forests and Water

Other main reference documents

Other main reference documents are provided in a separate UKWAS appendix of references document.

For easy reference, the documents are assigned to the appropriate section headings of the certification standard.

Further information sources

Information on the UK Forestry Standard and to download a copy – here.

Information on forestry grant schemes and regulations may be obtained from the relevant forestry authorities.

Guidance on environmental regulations is provided on the following websites: