Updated UKWAS standard-setting process

A new standard-setting process document has been approved by the UKWAS steering group.

This third version of the standard-setting process provides the basis for the next review and revision of the UKWAS standard.

The standard-setting document defines the procedures and process requirements for the development, maintenance, review and revision of the United Kingdom Woodland Assurance Standard and defines the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the UKWAS Steering Group in relation to the delivery of the national forest certification standard for the UK.

The procedures are developed to ensure alignment with the requirements of the FSC and PEFC forest certification schemes. To ensure their continued alignment, these procedures are subject to review, as a minimum, a year prior to the commencement of a formal revision of the UKWAS standard.

The most significant change from previous versions is that steering group will appoint an independent chamber-balanced working group to review and, if deemed necessary, revise the standard.

To view or download the document: UKWAS Standard-setting Process Version 3.0