UKWAS review process kicks off with call for stakeholder volunteers

Preparations for the next UKWAS review and revision are well under way and the UKWAS steering group is looking for stakeholders to express interest in participating.

A new standard-setting process document was approved by the UKWAS steering group in the autumn.

The most significant change from previous versions is that the steering group will appoint an independent chamber-balanced working group to review and, if deemed necessary, revise the standard.

At this stage, the UKWAS steering group is inviting stakeholders to express their interest in helping the process. The two main ways to participate are by asking to be added to the list of consultees and / or to express interest in nominating individuals to sit on the working group.

To note your interest in participating, please contact by April 30th 2020.

The working group appointments will be made in May and the review process will begin in October following the collection of evidence. Initially, the working group will review the evidence and decide whether the current UKWAS 4 standard needs to be updated. If so, the working group will start work on the revision in December this year and aim to conclude its work by May 2022. The revision process provides ample opportunity for stakeholder input with an initial call for evidence and two public consultations.

Further information will be provided when the review is formally launched in June this year.


Further info will be available at

The United Kingdom Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) is the national forest certification standard for the UK and provides a basis for certification to the FSC and PEFC schemes.

A standard-setting process document provides the basis for the review and revision of the UKWAS standard. To view or download the document: UKWAS Standard-setting Process Version 3.0