Woodland Managers urged to follow FC Biosecurity Guidance

The UKWAS Steering Group is urging all woodland owners and managers to adhere to the best practice biosecurity guidance published recently by the Forestry Commissions Plant Health Service.

UKWAS chair, Peter Wilson, said: Chalara fraxinea is just the latest addition to a growing list of new pest and disease threats to the UKs woodlands; it is vital that forestry practitioners read and follow the best practice guidance produced by the Forestry Commissions Plant Health Service. The Biosecurity Guidance publication has now been added to the list of management planning reference documents for use in conjunction with UKWAS Section 5.1 covering planning for protection and maintenance.


FC Plant Health Service: Biosecurity Guidance (August 2012)

FC Biosecurity Guidance Leaflet

For further information and advice see the Forestry Commissions biosecurity webpages.