UKWAS 5.0 now available

The United Kingdom Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) is pleased to share the new UKWAS 5.0 with an effective date of 1st December 2024.

UKWAS 5.0 is available here. An MS Word version is also available on request.

At this stage, UKWAS 5.0 has only been endorsed by PEFC with the FSC approval process still ongoing. PEFC certificate holders will need to complete a transition audit from UKWAS 4 to UKWAS 5 before 1st December 2025.

Until such time as the FSC revision process is completed, PEFC certificate holders will be audited to UKWAS 5 while FSC certificate holders will continue to be audited to UKWAS 4.

The new UKWAS chair, Ben Gunneberg, said “Despite coming into the UKWAS revision process at this late stage, I wholeheartedly thank all members of the UKWAS revision working group who have worked pragmatically and constructively throughout the long process to produce a revised UKWAS standard. My priority now is securing FSC International’s approval as soon as possible.

Both PEFC UK and FSC UK have reiterated their commitment to the UKWAS process and to the development of a joint standard for the UK.

PEFC UK (John Kirkby) and FSC UK (Andy Sharkey) are both happy to discuss any queries or concerns you may have and advice can also be sought from your Group Scheme Manager or Certification Body.