Reminder of opportunity to make stakeholder input on UKWAS review

Stakeholders and UKWAS standard-users are reminded to provide initial feedback on the UKWAS review and revision by August 31.

Review Working Group Chair, Peter Wilson, said:

“The Working Group’s first task is to decide whether the current UKWAS 4 standard needs to be updated and revised so we would particularly value early stakeholder input on this.

“We have already initiated a series of reviews to collect further evidence but we are particularly keen to hear from standard-users and stakeholders from the outset. We also plan two formal consultations during 2021 if we move to a full revision of the standard.” 

Respondents are invited to raise any issues they consider important but are particularly requested to consider four questions:

  1. Do you think the UKWAS 4 standard needs updating and revision?
    • It would be helpful if you could tell us your reasons why you came to your view.
  1. Do you think the structure and organisation of the standard needs to be changed?
    • And if so, please summarise why you think that.
  1. Do you think the content of the standard needs updating e.g. to include new issues, to elaborate or revise existing requirements, or to remove existing requirements?
    • Again, it would be helpful if you could tell us your reasons why you came to your view.
  1. Do you think the supporting Appendix of References needs updating and why?

Please provide input in as much detail as you wish and this will all be carried forward and taken fully into account by the Working Group in any subsequent revision work.


  • Standard-users and stakeholders should submit their input by Monday, 31st August to Please include a few lines about yourself so that we can better understand the composition of our respondents.
  • The current 4th edition of the UK Woodland Assurance Standard, known as UKWAS 4, has been in effect since 1st April 2018 and in accordance with the UKWAS procedures, it is reviewed on a 5-yearly basis by an independent multi-stakeholder working group. Two formal consultations will be undertaken during 2021 if it is decided that a full revision of the standard is needed.