New process documents approved by Steering Group

At its meeting on 13th March 2013, the UKWAS Steering Group approved the following revised process documents:
“UKWAS Standard-setting Process (Version 2.0)
“UKWAS Interpretation Panel Terms of Reference (Version 3.0)

The revised standard-setting procedures were adopted to incorporate new elements to address issues identified from the previous revision and the latest requirements from the FSC and PEFC certification schemes. The procedures will be used for the next UKWAS revision process scheduled to begin at the end of the year.

The Interpretation Panel terms of reference were updated to improve the interpretation process and introduce measures to ensure a faster response to interpretation issues.

In addition, the Steering Group Rules were reviewed and revised to take account of changes introduced in the revised standard-setting process. The following draft was approved by the Steering Group and will now be put to Members for approval at the AGM on 19th September 2013:
“UKWAS Steering Group Rules (Version 2.0)

The Steering Group confirmed the existing UKWAS procedures for supporting the sector in applying to FSC International for derogations to use chemicals classified as highly hazardous by FSC.