Call for stakeholder comments for UKWAS 4

A call for stakeholder comments has been made by the UKWAS Steering Group to inform the development of an UKWAS Fourth Edition which will be released in autumn 2016.

UKWAS Executive Chair, Peter Wilson said: What we are looking for is your ideas on what is good or bad about the current UKWAS Third Edition and how it might be improved.

This is a chance for stakeholders to make any input they feel appropriate right at the outset of our UKWAS revision process. People may raise whatever issue they feel is important in as little or as much detail as they like. There will be two more chances to make comment as the revision process progresses but by commenting now people will be making input right at the initial evidence-gathering phase.

There is no required format, simply read the consultation paper and then send us your issues in a clear and concise format identifying and explaining each issue you wish to raise and any suggested solution for each.

The consultation paper is available here:

Please email commentsto the UKWAS Support Unit on by March 31st 2014.

Further information on the UKWAS revision process is available here:
“Process document: